How to fite constipashen: ultimete guidanse for Westerners

How to fite constipashen: ultimete guidanse for Westerners

Hi uzer, its me, Bijou Shitokakishan. As a transport profeshional, Im more than Im wish in contack with Western pipol. Therefor Im quite fameliar with meny aspeck of those boys, like excess sweet when worm (lets not tolk smell coz Im not want to offond pipol), vry...
Why electrick cars is suck

Why electrick cars is suck

Hi uzer. Today as a vry satisfy rickshow adopter, Im want to FUD some inferar transporteshen vehical: electrick car. Today uzer Im want to explian why eletrick car is overhype (to parafraze my frend Noureil Roobini) and why smoky cars are much best opshen for normal...
Why You Are MAST Enter ALT coins market NOW

Why You Are MAST Enter ALT coins market NOW

Evry crypot investar who is invest ALT coiners is know that price is been REKT sinse ICO. Menie coins heve lost moast of its value, from 90 to 99%. So yah menie boys still show optimist becoz they hope some idiat will buoy their worseless coin, but in realty they dont...
Why there no woter ishue

Why there no woter ishue

Hi uzer. Today Im want to adress an big misunderststsand about woter. Manie ecologicks/hippy are cliam there is woter shortege, its preshies like gold and you are must to uze it very shyly. Bulkshit. Bojou is now set reckord str8 with facts and inconvenience true.... new bread of gambeling entrainment new bread of gambeling entrainment

Hi, how r you? Im good thenk, today Im want to shere sth a villeger is have bring to my attenshen : Its an amzing consept of online gambeling mede by a few boys with gr8 idea that is to meke race mouses and let pipol watch and bet monies. How work Mice...
Bijou guide to Apex Lenged

Bijou guide to Apex Lenged

Hi! Agian long time no see. Plez its normel, Bijou is heve gut computer (not thenks to crypot Im must sey) and start pley gemes like APex Lenged. WHat is this geme? Its call battel royal geme. What is it? Its online geme in which you are fight many boys, in caze of...