Hi uzer, its me, Bijou Shitokakishan. As a transport profeshional, Im more than Im wish in contack with Western pipol. Therefor Im quite fameliar with meny aspeck of those boys, like excess sweet when worm (lets not tolk smell coz Im not want to offond pipol), vry nerves and mainlie constipashen. How meny time Im wiat half awer for some Merican or German boy “who need 3 min for go latrine”. Yah, constipashen is one of most namber 1 prablem of western pipol. In my cantry this almost not heppen, so Im can explian what to do to enjoy smooth transections when u go to toylet.

No, your feces dont must be like this
Prablem namber 1: stop eat process food
As you are know shite is jast digest food. If your feckal material is too hard, so hard it tires ur batthole, its mainlie becoz of what u are eat sar. Nemly process food is very bed for you digest system. Its full of shugar, crabhydretes and other comical staff that is meke your shite a reliabel construkshen material (which can sand like gr8 news, but acutallie no its bed). Unless you want to bild your next houze with ur awn excreshen, forst think to stop constipashen is eat good nature food. Stop eat MacDaneld, its harribel.

Feke bargers, or one way ticket to constipeshen
Prablem 2 : no eat froots and veggiz
To meke ur damp teke less time then football half, ur must add more froots and veggies to ur diet. It hes jews and fibars that are help to turn the usual briks u cast in latrine into painless tards.
Prablem 3: eat more spice food
In my cantry we love spice food. Spicey food is delishas, but also its vry good to kill bakkterias and to help toylet so ur damps dont look like rabid damp. But dont abiuz other it mite heve oppozite effeck! If constipete is not playzant, dairya is not much best. Unless u not shite for 2 weeks and u need instant relieve. Satisfakshen garanty!
Prablem 4: u stress too mach bro
Of coarse what u eat is mian coze of constipashen, but there is also ur life style. Im notiss westen pipol are vry big stress. U pipol warry all the time, angree is like a filozofy. Im see it meny times in my job… Im a bit lete like 20 min for pickap, Im meke small misteke in street neme (like its my folt there +20 “Gendhi Street” in my villege), and u are get mad. Plez sar, chill bro! Its bed for you health, and you will regrat when u heve to read this magazin u alreadie now by hart becoz this poopoo is find your gat so cozy.

Why u mad bro? Coz they delivr wrong pitza? They forged to add fongi?
You pipol are complian coz u work 8 hours a day 5 day week (wowowow), becoz “traffic jem”, becoz childs, becoz u are mast wiat at supermarket… Plez sar, look what is jem in my villege, and we cool…
Prablem 5: u too lazie sar
Leck of active is also a big reazon why u are can last a manth with a singel roll of toylet pepper. If you allow your lecks to be lazie az faq, why u expeck your digest system to pull an olimpick preformanse? If you want shite evryday, show exampel and exersize evryday too, stop pley video geme all dey or lie in coach wotching damb TV shows. Move your batt to buoy ur food insed of call delivry servis boy. Thenks.